Introduction to Computing Blog


          You can't deny the existence of technology and the fact that it truly improved the way of lifestyle for everyone, despite the downsides and negative effects it holds on the younger generation like gaming addictions.

          Looking at the brighter side of the spectrum technology has helped humanity progress in a fast rate, new devices are being produced and sold to the public, advance computers, electrical cars, sophisticated gadgets and so much more helps entertain and assist us in our tasks almost everyday.


          Music and overall entertainment had a huge effect on the lives of people, it keeps us motivated, happy and stable, without it people and society would look and feel a lot different in a more sad and monotone way, devoid of emotion and filled with negativity. 
          It really is a medium that we as individuals seek to help ease the everyday frustration and sadness we face, in a life of hardship and pain, that is why we have movies, artists that make music, authors and writers that make comics, manga and other works, in fact entertainment media itself represents the third of the global M&E (Mechanical and Electrical systems) industry it's almost impossible to not see any source of entertainment anywhere you go.

          I myself indulge in my own entertainment and pleasure most of the time, by watching online videos or movies, or by playing video games, listening to music is the also the same case but it is a totally different and more stellar experience in some way, chatting with my friends is also a source of entertainment that I do all the time, there are infinite ways of entertaining yourself, it truly is impossible to live a life without keeping yourself happy and entertained.


          The internet is... quite a mixed bag, it is a melting pot of all things good and terrible, there are a lot of people here both nice and mean, anyone can say whatever they want to, the news and media can release biased and false reports, it's hard to tell which is the truth or the lie since in online, literally anything can be manipulated, but other than that, social media can also bring people of different races and culture together, you can share entertaining things such as artworks, memes and of the sort that some will find entertaining, which can lead to interactions of multiple individuals, sparking up conversations where anyone can join and have a good time getting to know each other.

          The internet and social media back then was more strict on itself, but as years go by it slowly evolved and got more flexible and diverse in it's usage, to the point where almost everyone has a social media account, it has become a part of people's daily life, I for one use my social medias mainly for posting my artworks and contacting my friends and family.
          But going even further, social media has proven that some people got a bit carried away, some have done terrible things and should not have access to the internet, the huge offender for now is twitter, it shows the true nature and unbelievable things the social media can be used for, but for now it's safe to say that only a few of loud bad apples exist and are tolerable for the time being.


          I was born in a family of musical bands, ever since I was a little child I am constantly surrounded by music and instruments, despite not knowing how to play all of them I can tell which instrument sounded like, I tend to sing when I was little but struggle to practice now, I mainly play the piano because of my father, and up until now I still practice playing it. 
          Other than music I like to draw and fantasize, visualizing scenarios that make up a movie and then drawing them on paper, drawing played a major role in my childhood, and I eventually grew up with it, now being able to illustrate fictional characters and make stories of them, which led me to the thought of one day becoming a mangaka (illustrator of Japanese comics) where I'll create my own story.

          I'm honestly interested in a lot of things and I would like to try them all, filming, composing my own music, writing stories, making sound effects or designing a game, and animation.
          My ambitions are simple and straightforward, I want to make my own Manga and Anime series one day, to personally animate, compose and direct them myself, my main reason why is simply because I love sharing my ideas and concepts to other people, I want to deliver a good story that me and other people will enjoy, and also because I love anime, I have collected a lot of ideas and slowly putting them into display one by one through drawings and dialogue, piecing them together into one entire story that I can one day share to the entire world, accompanied by my best music composition.


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