I Look Forward To Learning In This Class

It's August 23 monday, and today is our class orientation for our first subject of the week, we started at 10:00 am, my classmates are dead silent while our teacher waited for the other students, and I expected that she was going to be strict and stern, apparently that wasn't the case, she was nice and I enjoyed listening to our morning class orientation, we also had a brief introduction to the topics that we are about to tackle this semester, it has been years since I have fully focused on studying computer related subjects now I'm excited and looking forward to learn! After the morning class we took an early break and I had my lunch, the next schedule starts at 1:00 to 4:00 pm, I had extra time to prepare and collect myself, we started our Laboratory session with a discussion of the basic history of computers how it all started and evolved throughout the years, the proponents and those who'...